Bo's blog

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1

WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1

Configuring a JMS activation specification for MDBs used by the default messaging provider


  1. Display the default messaging provider. In the navigation pane, expand Resources > JMS > JMS Providers.
  2. Select the default provider for which you want to configure an activation specification.
  3. Optional: Change the Scope check box to the scope level at which the activation specification is to be visible to applications, according to your needs.
  4. In the content pane, under the Additional properties heading, click Activation specifications. This lists any existing JMS activation specifications for the default messaging provider in the content pane.
  5. Display the properties of the JMS activation specification. If you want to display an existing JMS Activation Specifications, click one of the names listed.
    Alternatively, if you want to create a new JMS activation specification, click New, then specify the following required properties:
    Type the name by which the activation specification is known for administrative purposes.
    JNDI name
    Type the JNDI name that is used to bind the activation specification into the JNDI namespace.
    Destination type
    Whether the message-driven bean uses a queue or topic destination.
    Destination JNDI name
    Type the JNDI name that the message-driven bean uses to look up the JMS destination in the JNDI namespace.

    Select the type of destination on the Destination type property.

    Bus name
    The name of the bus to connect to.

    Specify the name of the service integration bus to which connections are made. This must be the name of the bus on which the bus destination identified by the Destination JNDI name property is defined.

    You can either select an existing bus or type the name of another bus. If you type the name of a bus that does not exist, you must create and configure that bus before the activation specification can be used.

  6. Specify properties for the JMS activation specification, according to your needs.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Save your changes to the master configuration

Message listener service settings

Message listener service settings

The message listener service is an extension to the JMS functions of the JMS provider. It provides a listener manager that controls and monitors one or more JMS listeners, which each monitor a JMS destination on behalf of a deployed message-driven bean.

This panel displays links to the Additional Properties pages for Listener Ports, Thread Pool, and Custom Properties for the message listener service.

To view this administrative console page, click Servers-> Application Servers-> application_server-> Message Listener Service

Loading and modifying remote images | Flex Examples

Loading and modifying remote images | Flex Examples

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Determining a VideoDisplay control’s current playback state using the state property and stateChange event | Flex Examples

Determining a VideoDisplay control’s current playback state using the state property and stateChange event | Flex Examples

Creating a simple image gallery with the Flex TileList control | Flex Examples

Creating a simple image gallery with the Flex TileList control | Flex Examples

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Flex: bulk-loader

bulk-loader -

BulkLoader is a minimal library written in Actionscript 3 (AS3) that aims to make loading and managing complex loading requirements easier and faster. BulkLoader takes a more dynamic, less architecture heavy aproach. Few imports and making heavy use of AS3's dynamic capabilities, BulkLoader has a one-liner feel that doesn't get in your way.

BulkLoader hides the complexity of loading different data types in AS3 and provides a unified interface for loading, accessing and events notification for different types of content.

Flex Butterflies and Bugs

Flex Butterflies and Bugs: "Support for right to left layouts in Flex 4.x (aka Mirroring) •March 8, 2010 • 2

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working on a new feature in the Flex SDK that we’ve been calling “Layout Mirroring”. Since flash player 10’s text engine now supports right to left text, it was a natural progression for the Flex SDK to support RTL (right to left) layouts. This feature did not make it into the Flex 4 release (which we’ve pretty much wrapped up, but, hasn’t been kicked out the door, officially). However, we’ve started developing and testing on Layout Mirroring for a future release of Flex 4. I’ll call it 4.x until there is an official name for this release that our trusty product managers will allow me to talk about."

Compiler error with selectedChild in Flex 4 with code that worked in Flex 3 - Flex Butterflies and Bugs

Compiler error with selectedChild in Flex 4 with code that worked in Flex 3 - Flex Butterflies and Bugs: "Compiler error with selectedChild in Flex 4 with code that worked in Flex 3

A customer filed a bug recently about a backwards compatibility issue that they ran into when trying to compile their Flex 3 application in Flex 4. Normally, your application should compile just fine, but, you might run into some behavioral differences between the two releases.

However, in the case described in bug SDK-25021, your application won’t even compile! When using the ’selectedChild’ property for any of the MX Navigators like TabNavigator, ViewStack or Accordion, you will get the following error in Flex 4:"

Friday, April 02, 2010

Accordion - Adobe Flex 4 Beta Language Reference

Accordion - Adobe Flex 4 Beta Language Reference:


Properties | Methods | Events | Styles | Effects | Constants | Examples

Package mx.containers
Class public class Accordion
Inheritance Accordion Container UIComponent FlexSprite Sprite DisplayObjectContainer InteractiveObject DisplayObject EventDispatcher Object
Implements IHistoryManagerClient, IFocusManagerComponent
Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1
A Halo Accordion navigator container has a collection of child Halo containers, but only one of them at a time is visible. It creates and manages navigator buttons (accordion headers), which you use to navigate between the children. There is one navigator button associated with each child Halo container, and each navigator button belongs to the Accordion container, not to the child. When the user clicks a navigator button, the associated child container is displayed. The transition to the new child uses an animation to make it clear to the user that one child is disappearing and a different one is appearing.
Note: The direct children of a Halo navigator container must be Halo containers, either Halo layout or Halo navigator containers. You cannot directly nest a control or a Spark container within a navigator; they must be children of a child Halo container"

Binding WSDL to Java with JAXB - NetBeans IDE 6.7/6.8 Tutorial

Binding WSDL to Java with JAXB - NetBeans IDE 6.7/6.8 Tutorial: "Binding WSDL to Java with JAXB

The Java Architecture for XML Binding API (JAXB) makes it easy to access XML documents from applications written in the Java programming language. This document shows you how NetBeans IDE provides tooling support for JAXB, principally by means of a wizard that turns various types of XML documents into Java classes. Starting with a given WSDL file, we will generate Java classes and then do something with them.
In this tutorial, you will learn two specific things:
How to use a wizard in the IDE to bind the schema for an XML document into a set of Java classes that represents the schema.
How to use a variety of tools provided by the IDE to quickly and efficiently make use of the generated Java classes.
For detailed information on the JAXB architecture, as well as on JAXB as a whole, see Chapter 2: Binding between XML Schema and Java Classes and Chapter 3: Using JAXB in The Java Web Services Tutorial.

Generating Java Objects from XML Documents
Examining the JAXB Wizard Output
Using the Java Objects"

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Download Distortion Effects – from Alex Uhlmann

"Download Distortion Effects – From MAX 2006
By Alex Uhlmann on November 3, 2006 1:08 AM | 106 Comments
For everyone who couldn’t attend my MAX presentation in Las Vegas, here is the presentation as PDF. Furthermore, I’ve released the complete source code for every effect shown.

And here is the Flex 2.0.1 version.

Behind the scenes, these effects are using the DistortImage utility from the open source 3D Engine Sandy. Make sure you check out Sandy if you haven’t yet! The effects included are called Flip, CubeRotate, Push, Pop, Door and Gate. But instead of talking about them, just see them in action for yourself:

Distortion Effects

This sample application lets you play with all effects available. You can also see different configurations, i.e. try enabling the blur checkbox."