Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid
Weblogic error when starting the server:
<Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid; The user name and/or password from the boot identity file ( is not valid. The boot identity may have been changed since the boot identity file was created. Please edit and update the boot identity file with the proper values of username and password. The first time the updated boot identity file is used to start the server, these new values are encrypted.>
Follow the following steps:
1: remove the file from directory servers/yourserver/security/.
2: remove the directory servers/yourserver/data/ldap .
start weblogic by command line, and it will prompt for username and password to boot.
create new file in directory servers/yourserver/security, and put the following value and restart.
Out of the box, users are stored in WebLogic’s embedded LDAP. This means all “normal” users as well as the WebLogic administrative user typically named “weblogic” or “admin” are stored there. Additionally, groups are also stored in embedded LDAP. Users and groups are stored there because the embedded LDAP serves as the DefaultAuthenticator’s data store.
There’s one more critical piece about authenticators and that’s the Control Flag. Each authenticator has a Control Flag that can be set to REQUIRED, REQUISITE, SUFFICIENT, or OPTIONAL. Each flag indicates how the authenticator will be treated by the security framework and whether or not that authenticator has to be able to successfully authenticate the user or not. You can find an explanation of these flags here.
reference: common-problems-with-authentication-provider-configuration
Labels: Weblogic
Im getting this error when starting a managed server via node manager. Ive tried the steps you posted many times and it seems to always ignore the in the security directory. I can put any username I want to in there and the log always indicates its logging in with the "weblogic" user. Even if I alter the data/nodemanager file it still reports that its logging in with the "weblogic" user, regardless of what I put.
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