[J2EE Deployment SPI:260080]Unable to define application install directory
Using ant deploy task to deploy the app to Weblogic server(Windows) through Hudson server(Linux), failed due to the following issue:
[wldeploy] weblogic.Deployer -debug -verbose -upload -noexit -name TestApp -source /app/hudson/job1/workspace/dist/TestApp.war -targets AdminServer -adminurl t3:// -user weblogic -password ******** -deploy
[wldeploy] [BasicOperation.dumpTmids():689] : {Target=AdminServer, WebLogicTargetType=server, Name=TestApp}, targeted=true
[wldeploy] [BasicOperation.deriveAppName():139] : appname established as: TestApp
[wldeploy] java.io.IOException: [J2EE Deployment SPI:260080]Unable to define application install directory at '/tmp/TestApp.war'. Directory could not be created or is a file.
Solution: check the folder /tmp on Hudson server and remove the TestApp.war from there.